Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend worker bee

Whenever we are home during the weekends, we try our best to make baby steps along the long road to being officially settled in the new house. Hang a picture here, plant a little something there...we try to do a little project whenever we can. Thankfully, Lily has a great attitude about it as long as she gets to help. Here we are wiping down a dresser that I got for $40 at a thrift store, since she is running out of room in her changing table drawers (and her little sister will be needing it in August). I think she likes it! We are standing in what will eventually be the nursery, once I can manage to get the crazy ocean mural painted over...still a good bit of work to do!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful smile this girl has! The cameras will flash and she'll have a 'dolphin smile'* ready for all, just like her Mommy!

    *quote per Papa
