Monday, June 25, 2012

New York City! New York City!

Lily was running around the house chanting "New York City!  New York City!" for weeks before our actual trip to see Uncle Josh, Auntie Sarah, Abby, and Amelia.  It was Ginny's first flight, Lily's first that she could remember, and they also got to ride the ferry and the subway!  It was a fast visit but really fun, and looooong overdue.  Here are a couple of highlights, but when I ask Lily what her favorite part about New York is, she yells "ABBY!"  

Girls waiting to take the ferry to ride the carousel

Lily's carousel face

And Ginny's...she didn't quite know what to think at first, but she warmed up to it pretty quickly and was waving at everybody

Baby at the Brooklyn Bridge

Bunnies at the Central Park Zoo

Just chillin' with the snow leopard

Dinner and pool time on the roof deck

Playing "doctor"in pj's

Sweet cousins!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Horsing Around

We went out to Great Aunt Libby's house over Memorial Day weekend, where Lily found a new friend.  T.D. (Tiny Dancer) is the most ancient, crotchety little horse I know.  I'm not quite sure how old he is, but he is definitely older than me so that makes him at least 30.  He doesn't even live in a pasture anymore, just wanders around Aunt Libby's yard and hangs out on her back porch until it's suppertime, when he goes back to his barn.  I was a little bit nervous about Lily walking up to him with no fence to separate them, especially since he wasn't always the friendliest during my childhood, but she won him over right away.  She fed him apples all by herself (keeping her hand flat so she wouldn't get nipped) and some dog food too.  :}    

Aunt Libby has a huge front yard...good place to run run run!!