Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's up (for dinner), Doc?

Pizza "bunnies" for dinner last weekend, courtesy of the Superfoods kids' cookbook (I cannot claim the creativity for this idea myself).  We had fun making them and Lily was very proud of her artwork, but eating them was not as successful.  I think I have the only toddler in the world who doesn't like pizza - she ate all the veggies off (loved the black olive nose) and said she was all done.  :)

Sweet Virginia Caroline

These boots are made for playing dress up...

She can't really walk in them yet, but she sure does like pulling them out of Mommy's closet!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mommy is back in business :)

I finished my semester last Friday, so I am enjoying my first week of being back at home full time with my girls.  Thank you Jake for keeping up with posts while I was crazy busy!  Here are Daddy and Lily playing with Play-Doh this afternoon, and Ginny rocking out on the piano.  She is pulling up and standing on everything!  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Funny things said at our house

Over the past few weeks we have had some moments that stand out so I thought I would share....

Lily: "Mommy, the sky is blue.
Polly: "Yes honey it is."
Lily:  "Why is the sky blue?"

Polly to Ginny: "Was that grunt for more beans or do you need to poop?"
                             (It was more beans)

Jake: "Lily, are you dipping your tomatoes in ketchup"
Lily: "Yeah, its good"