Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pocahontas...or is it Tiger Lily?

Halloween festivities abounded in the Mangerson household this year! Between her preschool party on Thursday, her playgroup pizza party on Friday night, a costume birthday party on Monday morning, and trick-or-treating on Monday night, Lily completely wore out her adorable homemade costume. She was a rock star for her first trick-or-treating in our neighborhood, and she was all business: when we pulled up to a house, she would hop off of her tricycle, and say "I need my pumpkin, please." Then she would knock, say "Tick or Teat!", smile, say thank you, and on to the next house! It was very exciting, but Lily also discovered that candy=awesome, so that was not so much fun for Mommy and Daddy afterwards... :}

Pumpkin Carving

Little Punkin

During Auntie Julia's visit to Georgia a few weeks ago, we went to Washington Farms to pick our pumpkins. Lily found out that picking pumpkins is fun, and riding in wheelbarrows is fun, but playing in the dirt is the most fun!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sticker Queen / Go Pack Go

Lily has been obsessed with stickers lately, and I am constantly finding them everywhere - little sparkly stars on the couch, butterflies on the kitchen cabinets, fairies on the remote control, and smiley faces in the washing machine. She also loves to decorate herself, Jake, Ginny and me. We all sported our bedazzled Packers gear for a Sunday afternoon game.